Appropriateness Statement Outline
Results from the project survey indicating whether supervision staff (officers, administrators, office staff, etc.) think the practice is appropriate and for whom (depending on risk level and subpopulation).
Types of Contacts
- For low-risk clients:
- In-person/face-to-face contacts are sometimes appropriate for all clients.
- Telephone contacts are sometimes appropriate for all clients.
- Kiosk reporting is sometimes appropriate for all clients, except those with a SUD and several additional criminogenic needs.
- For medium- and high-risk clients:
- In-person/face-to-face contacts are always appropriate for all clients.
- Telephone contacts are sometimes appropriate for all clients.
- Kiosk reporting is never appropriate for all clients except for those convicted of intimate partner violence (IPV) and those with severe mental illness (SMI), for whom it is sometimes appropriate.
Frequency of Contact
- Supervision staff report that weekly contacts are
- never appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- always appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients except those with serious mental illness or substance use disorder, for whom it is sometimes appropriate.
- Supervision staff report that monthly contacts are
- sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- always appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients, except those in the general violence or intimate partner violence special population, for whom they are sometimes appropriate.
- Supervision staff report that quarterly contacts are
- sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- never appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
Collateral and Employer Contacts
- Supervision staff report that collateral contacts are
- never appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- always appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
- Supervision staff report that employer contacts are
- never appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
- People with lived experience in the criminal legal system (the “criminal justice” or “legal” system is referred to as the criminal legal system in this document) report that collateral contacts are
- never appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
- People with lived experience in the criminal legal system report that employer contacts are
- never appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients, except for those in a general violence special population, for whom they are never appropriate
Drug Testing
- Individuals who have been involved in the criminal legal system (the “criminal justice” or “legal” system is referred to as the criminal legal system in this document) generally believe that
- random UAs are sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients except for those with gang involvement (they believe it is never appropriate for gang-involved clients),
- biweekly and weekly UAs are never appropriate for low-risk clients regardless of subpopulation (except for those with substance use disorder and/or those with two-to-three other criminogenic needs),
- random, biweekly, and weekly UAs are sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients regardless of subpopulation (see Introduction for list and description of subpopulations).
Electronic Monitoring
- Supervision staff report that EM is
- never appropriate for low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
Financial Restrictions
- Supervision staff report that fines are
- sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
- Supervision staff report that fees are
- sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
- Supervision staff report that restitution is
- always appropriate for all low-risk clients except those with serious mental illness or those in the intimate partner violence special population, for whom it is sometimes appropriate, and
- always appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
House Arrest
- Supervision staff report that house arrest is
- never appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients.
Phone-Based Monitoring
- Supervision staff report that phone-based monitoring is
- sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients except for those with substance use disorders, for whom it is always appropriate.
Restraining Orders
- Supervision staff report that restraining orders are
- sometimes appropriate for all low-risk clients and
- sometimes appropriate for all medium- to high-risk clients except for those in an intimate partner violence special population, for whom it is always appropriate.
Anger Management
- Supervision staff report that anger management is
- sometimes appropriate for low-risk clients, except those who are gang-involved, for whom it is never appropriate, and
- always appropriate for medium- and high-risk clients, except those who are gang-involved or who have substance use disorder, for whom it is sometimes appropriate.
Use the form below to contact the team behind the Appropriateness Statement Package.